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- Last updated:2023-06-13
- View count:2415
With scientific methods, we conduct psychometrics with direct and indirect investigation of new inmates serving prison sentences so the individual records of inmates as the basis of treatment can be quickly and comprehensively established.
- Lecture before imprisonment: The lecture for new inmates is held weekly prior to their impris-onment. The inmate manuals are distributed and explained to inmates so they can better un-derstand the purpose of serving their sentences, their treatment policies, and rules that must be obeyed at the prison. This is done with the hope that inmates will be obedient and serve sen-tences without difficulty.
- Direct/indirect investigation: We gather information concerning family conditions, physical conditions, crime conditions, social backgrounds, and working experiences in order to analyze the reasons why crimes were committed. This information is used as a reference to determine individual treatment.
- Psychometrics: Based on the degree of education of inmates, we conduct various tests to analyze their intelligence, aptitudes, interests, and personal traits, etc in order to better understand their physical, mental and health conditions and the occupational potentials.
- Draft on treatment: Based on the results of investigation and psychometrics, we then decide and analyze the on a treatment programs for in-mates. This is submitted to the Instruction Com-mittee of Investigation for discussion. The resolutions of the Committee are then dispatched to sections and offices for implementation.
- In-prison review: To have more appropriate treatment, we conduct periodic reviews of inmate records. For those who meet the technical requirements for parole, both police and the victims are consulted as part of parole review process.
- Post-imprisonment counseling: To fully help inmates in career planning, contact is made with local career institute personnel, counselors at Yunlin Branch of Taiwan After-care Association, en-terprise personnel, and those concerned with public interest . These groups conduct group/individual counseling for parolees who have completed a sentence and offer them current career information to help them with the transition back to society.
- Follow up Care : For those who are leaving the prison after serving a sentence, we arrange as-sistance with travel expenses, escorting home, study counseling and career counseling. For those who obtain occupation licenses while serving prison terms, we periodically track their working conditions.