Guard and Control
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- Last updated:2024-01-19
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To maintain security for guard and control, we have monitors everywhere inside and outside the prison. Wireless alarm bells at each workshop are connected to the Service Center. In the event of an accident we can send support immediately. We enhance security inspections and conduct unexpected searches to eradicate contraband and dangerous items coming into the Prison. To strengthen the practical knowledge of managerial personnel, we offer pre-education, case study and year round education. To maintain the security of personnel and property, we enhance the capability of our staff by holding fire control, violence control and escape control drills every year, so they may effectively respond to security incidents. In recent years, we have maintained stable conditions and had no guard and control accidents.
- Full examination of clothes on persons entering/exiting the Prison: At the gate of the Guard and Control Area, we have a sign clearly indicating “Please Accept Examination into/out from the Guard and Control Area.”. Other than the Minister of Justice and personnel from the Ministry of Justice, all guests, law practice public servants and defense lawyers have to be examined by our security guards. Examination is made of clothes, hats, shoes and personal belongings with findings recorded. Outside the Area, we have cabinets for guests to place their personal belongings while entering the prison.
- Conducting area discipline: Regular inmates are separated from drug offenders All inmates who are individually confined and treated.
- Emphasizing human management: Most of our inmates are drug offenders. With the year round education, we make our disciplinarians understand that drug offenders are criminals with patient quality. We need to discipline them with love, patience, and attentiveness in legal, reasonable and sensible manner.
- Enhancing various security examinations: We conduct careful examinations of incoming and outgoing goods from suppliers. The direct guard and control personnel conduct initial exami-nation of the belongings of incoming and outgoing inmates and items brought in by family members. The authority unit has the second examination. We have enhanced patrols in places such as workshops, kitchen areas, windows and doors; periodic or unexpected searches prevent contraband from entering the prison.
- Strict control on mailed packages: To send packages via mail, inmates have to complete the Application Form. Upon approval, they will receive a package identification tag and copy of the Package Application Form (the original is kept as a record) to be mailed to their family members. The family members shall, in accordance with the list, send the items with the identification tag applied; failing this, the package will be rejected. Thanks to exclusive persons in charge of package examination, the number of abuses is significantly reduced and no contraband or drugs have been found smuggled in packages.
- Enhancing function of the Re-examination Stations: We have established South and North Re-examination Stations for careful examination of materials, goods for the cooperative store, and foods for inmates into the guard and control area after examination at the Examination Station. Goods are re-checked before being delivered to the workshops, kitchens and cooperative store.
- Enhancing caddy control and assessment: The number of caddies at the workshop has to be reported to the Ministry and each caddy has to be employed in accordance with regulations es-tablished by the Ministry. A list is used to assess the caddies. Executives employing caddies have to conduct strict assessment and complete monthly assessment reports. A Caddy’s identity will be cancelled if he violates the Prison regulations, fails to work hard or exhibits other undesirable behaviors. Caddies are under strict control and have to wear uniforms and name tags.
- Practice of year round education: We have a Year Round Education Committee in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry. The Committee Chairman is the Superintendent with chiefs and directors of sections and offices acting as Committee members and lecturers, explaining laws /regulations and prison practices.
- Emphasizing comments: Comment boxes are available in the Guard and Control Area. We collect the comments of inmates to take appropriate measures for prevention accidents.
- Roster management: Upon the arrival of inmates, we investigate judgements against them, oversee instructions for execution and other required documents and conduct health examinations. For those who meet the usual conditions for imprisonment, we complete imprisonment procedures and establish their status books..
- Property keeping: After examination all belongings other than day-to-day necessities, have to be kept while an inmate is imprisoned. The labor income is kept, too. The property kept by an inmate can only be used after approval is granted in accordance with the laws. The balance of belongings will be returned to inmates when they are released from prison.