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Yunlin Prison ,Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


General Affair

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-01-19
  • View count:2285

The Prison is like a logistics troop, attempting to take good care of daily routines, incoming/outgoing inmates, procurement, and maintenance of the Prison.. Business is divided into Roster management, Custodian, property/dormitory management, Miscellaneous affairs, procurement/maintenance, cashier, receipt/transference of public documents and archiving.

  1. Improving the foods of inmates: The food for each inmate is 0.540 kg in summer (May through October) and 0.590 kg in winter (November through April), equaling NT$1,500/person/month. Imprisonment fee is around NT$200. Representatives from each workshop are selected to be part of a Dining Improvement Team in charge of kitchen supervision, weighing, and accounts. Monthly meetings are held to review the dining situation. The profits from labor income and cooperative stores are used to subsidize dining. The interest generated by funds is subject to use by the Dining Improvement Team.
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