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Yunlin Prison ,Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Items for Receiving and Processing

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-13
  • View count:1810

Items for Receiving and Processing
■Alleged illegal corruption.
■Misconduct, decadent lifestyle and things that will affect the reputation of the office.
■Operating or sheltering immoral businesses. 
■Negligence, erratic behavior and things that causes public and private damage.
■Solicitation of money and other improper interests by authority.
■Receiving bribes by authority.
■Illegal activity and behavior against the Civil Servant Work Act or other laws.
■Violation of administrative reforms or reformation of government ethics.
■Administrative deficiency and inefficiency.
■Fraud by impersonating an employee of Yunlin Prison of the Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice. 

Exclusive facilities for reporting of corruption:
Tel: +886-5-6320750 

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