Facilitating the public
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2023-06-13
- View count:2480
- Escort inmates home to visit the dead of family member according to Article 26-1 of En-forcement Rules of Law of Execution in prison.
- Convenience for inmates to meet family members: In addition to regular meetings, we approve meetings via distance video for family members living far away or after having experienced major accidents. Also, an appointment for a meeting can be made viaphone or on the Internet to avoid waiting times.
- Prompt issuance of applied documents: Upon reviewing documents applied for by the inmates and their family members, the Section of General Affairs will immediately issue the documents.
- Establishing various facilities to serve inmates’ family members: TV sets, air conditioners, water fountains, and electric fans are available in the waiting room for family members. Also, one computer is available.
- Serving inmates’ family members with a friendly and kind attitude: A service table and voluntary workers are available in the Meeting Room to answer family members’ questions. Two public phones are available for family members in the Meeting Room as well.
- Newspapers, magazines and a Service Manual are available at the Meeting Room for family members.
- Providing access-free environment for the blind with guiding bricks in the Waiting Room and Meeting Room
- To save time for family members, we have implemented the goal of Wait for One Minute Less; Making Family Members Trouble Free and Free from Waiting After Making a Reservation. We have a telephone reservation service at (05)6339660 ext. 871.