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Yunlin Prison ,Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


2020/12/9 Legal Education

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-12-18
  • View count:1088

We sponsored legal counseling with the Yunlin branch of the Legal Aid Foundation once every quarter where the Legal Aid Foundation would send lawyers to each factory to speak on legal education. Once every quarter for two hours, legal consultation is held in the multi-function classroom where the foundation would send 1 to 3 lawyers depending on the number of registered inmates to provide one-on-one consultation to the inmates.  On Decemberber 9th, the 4th season of the legal education and consultation was held and a total of 160 inmates participated.

1法扶基金會梁律師上課情形.jpg 2法律諮詢情形.jpg

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