Execution of Government Ethics
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- Last updated:2023-06-13
- View count:1641
Execution of Government Ethics
Work principles: “Benefit over malady, prevention over investigation, service over intervention, love during the whole process”.
Goals: Severe punishment for corruption and rectification of government ethics so public employees don’t want to, can’t, are unwilling to, are unnecessary to become corrupt to uphold the honor and dignity of being a law-abiding public official and to enhance the image of a clean government.
Work Content:
1 Promotion of clean government and social participation.
2 Setting, promotion and execution of anti-corruption laws and prevention. measures.
3 Setting, coordination and promotion of recommendation on reforms.
4 Public employee property declaration, avoidance of conflict of interest, and government ethics related businesses.
5 Processing of related corruption and illegal business in the institute.
6 Investigation of possible corruption.
7 Processing and coordination of the institute’s operational secret.
8 Processing and coordination of maintaining the security of the institute.
9 Other government ethics related businesses.